In the heart of South Pattaya lies the enchanting "yensabai condo," a fully furnished studio awaiting its new owner. Set on the fifth floor, this cozy abode boasts a balcony overlooking lush gardens, where residents can unwind and soak in the tropical vibes. With modern conveniences like a kitchenette, air conditioning, and cable TV, every comfort is at your fingertips.
Step into a world of tranquility and relaxation with access to communal features such as a refreshing pool and 24-hour security for peace of mind. Perfectly located near bustling city centers, international hospitals, and vibrant markets, this foreign-owned gem offers a slice of paradise within reach of all amenities.
Dive into the vibrant tapestry of Pattaya's lifestyle with "yensabai condo" – a place where convenience meets comfort, and every day feels like a holiday. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of this prime real estate in a coveted location.
Please contact a member of Gecko Properties helpful team to learn more about this excellent Thailand Property for sale and the surrounding area - C011424.